
Positive Imprint instills in our students a sense of pride, a belief in their skills and talents, and gives them opportunities to develop it. One's pride is influenced by many surrounding factors...


Positive Imprint places an emphasis on the development of our student's sense of purpose as a tool in finding what drives them in life, giving them the ability to fight for what they believe in...


Leadership is an essential value for Positive Imprint because very few of our kids understand the true definition of a leader. As an organization, we teach our students to stop blindly following and instead set...

Family Bond

PI stresses the importance of family bond because we find it is critical for the kids to feel like they belong to something. Many of them have a lack of support at home...


Imprint Positive answers frequently asked questions and clarifies the doubts of all visitors to our website...

Who We Are?

Encouraging the youth to step out of their comfort zone by building their self-esteem so they become leaders while setting positive examples for their peers as well as the community.



305-897-7795 Our Chance Enterprise, Miami, Florida 33168 Mon to Sat - 9:00am to 6:00pm (Sunday Closed)